Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why you should have multiple streams of passive income

Why you should have multiple streams of passive income

I’m writing this in hope that you understand the need for having multiple streams of passive income. 

The number one reason is that not a lot of people are good at recruiting, sponsoring, or marketing on the internet.

The number two reason is that most programs have a monthly fee and if you aren’t making money, then you are only losing money.  If this keeps up, then you get frustrated and that comes out through your marketing and your presentations basically perpetuating the cycle!  Have your money work for you! 

So I like passive programs because I constantly have the thought that regardless of if you join me or not, that I will still earn.  Having that confidence and that posture will bring more people into your business. 

I think of it as not being emotionally or addicted to the outcome.  When you are emotional about something, whether you try to hide it or not, it just doesn’t seem to work.  You come across as desperate or broke and people can sense that.

I have looked by at my own blog posts and can see exactly why people aren’t joining me.  It is STILL a work in progress and the best was to counter act it is to make money first.  How can I make money first?  You make money first through a passive, no recruiting or sponsoring type program. 

You get some success with that and that successful feeling will attract more people to you and make you more money in the process!

I hope this helps and for a perfect passive program to use click here!

-Robert Fraser-

P.S.  I’m making money with or without you, but would rather it be with!!

1 comment:

  1. The size of your PASSIVE INCOME could determine your financial success or failure.
