Monday, April 15, 2013

Why multiple home business offers on your blog will keep you broke?

Why multiple home business offers on your blog will keep you broke?

This is one that I have been notorious for!! 

I’m not saying multiple streams of income is bad by any stretch.  What I am saying is that you should get success (your definition of success) with one business first, and then include additional streams.

Just think every other business that you advertise, promote, write articles and blog posts for, or share takes your attention away from the others.

If I want to know how to make money on the internet and come across your blog and it has banners for 4 different businesses on it, then which one is the primary money maker? 

If I see 4 different businesses, then I’m more inclined to not click any of them.  People like easy and simple.  People don’t like complicated.

Multiple businesses sounds pretty complicated to me.  It may not be complicated but nonetheless sounds like a lot of work.  The average joe isn’t wanting to do a lot of work!

Think of it from a mathematical perspective.

I will be more likely to click on the one offer you have if you only have one offer.  (seriously)

If you have multiple banners for the same offer, then that is good.

If you have multiple banners for multiple businesses, then odds are that is bad.

Some people swear by multiple streams of income but are they REALLY making a lot of money.  Odds are the answer is no UNLESS they have already found massive success.

People who have found massive success have huge email lists that they can slam with a new business every time they get in a new deal.  The average joe just needs to succeed with one to get that huge list first.

Also if you are a blogger (like me) then the more blog posts you write for one business equals more “mini” websites you have for that one business.  The more websites equal more people, more sales, etc.

Just focus on one until you succeed and then introduce another stream!!  My definition of success would be $30,000 with one program before I would ever think about trying to promote a secondary income stream.

Just something to think about!

It’s easier to focus on one thing than it is multiple things and that’s not just because I am a guy either!!

-Robert Fraser-

P.S.  Could I interest you in an easy 3 step process for making some extra cash?  If so CLICK HERE!! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

5 reasons Why blogging is the best way to make money online

5 reasons Why blogging is the best way to make money online

Blogging is the best way to make money online.  Why do I say this?

1)  Because every single blog post I write will remain on the internet indefinitely. 

2)  I don’t have to bother family and friends.

3)  I don’t have to spam my Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn Walls.

4)  It’s free.

5)  The more you do it, the more effective it is.

So now that you know why blogging is the best way to make money online, you need a good passive offer to indirectly promote.

-Robert Fraser-

Friday, April 12, 2013

Success Project

Success Project

I have started this and then I changed my mind and then I restarted this.  I have posted here and on my Empower Network blog and back again.

Again I am battling myself even in this but I’m not stopping or changing.  I’m going to keep going.  That’s how it is in life. 

If things don’t work out perfectly, then that’s fine.  You just adjust fire and move on.

In continuing my reading of Napoleon Hill’s “The Law of Success in 16 Lessons” I read the chapter on initiative and leadership.

The hardest person you have to lead is yourself.  Sometimes the hardest thing that you have to do is give yourself a swift kick in the pants to get going. 

Use whatever methods you have at your disposal to keep your motivation high.  Use whatever methods you have to keep you moving in the right direction.

You must develop in yourself the initiative to keep moving and then lead yourself, or provide the motivation to, keep moving.

It’s not always easy.

It is always worth it.

Even just plowing through these blog posts is me doing that to myself.  Some posts I write, I hate.  Some posts I love.  Regardless they all go up on the blog and I force myself to move on.

Whether I’m happy, discouraged, frustrated, or whatever.  The point is to keep pushing.  If you have to crawl, then crawl.  If you have to drag yourself, then drag on!

-Robert Fraser-

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Profit Clicking Premium and AddWallet Progression

Profit Clicking Premium and AddWallet Progression

I joined Profit Clicking premium about 3 weeks ago.  I put $50 in and am now earning $5.40 a day.  If I let it accumulate and just withdraw all the cash I could cash out $190!  Not bad from $50.

I also joined AddWallet about a month ago and only put in $40 and am now up to about $130 in ad units purchased now.  I’m going to repurchase ad units until I have about $2000 in ad units and just set it to 70/30.

I’m at the infancy with both of these programs but they incrementally are making me more and more each day. 

-Robert Fraser-

Friday, March 22, 2013

Instant Payday Network is the way to go!

Instant Payday Network is the way to go!

There are a lot of home businesses out there.  Most of them require you to recruit lots of people in order to make money.  Some of them do not require you to make money.  With Instant Payday Network, you only need to get 2 people a day in order to make $100 a day!

That’s not a lot of people!  It can easily be promoted through a free blog (much like I’m doing here).  I simply write a blog post everyday and point people to my offer. 

Every time I get around 20-25 leads into my Instant Payday Network capture page (you can see it yourself by clicking here) I get one person to “go green” or to complete the free offers and I make anywhere from $20-$50 per person. 

So let’s just say 25 leads equal one conversion.  2 Conversions equal $100 instantly paid into my Payza account!

Instant Payday Network is the way to go!

-Robert Fraser-

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why you should have multiple streams of passive income

Why you should have multiple streams of passive income

I’m writing this in hope that you understand the need for having multiple streams of passive income. 

The number one reason is that not a lot of people are good at recruiting, sponsoring, or marketing on the internet.

The number two reason is that most programs have a monthly fee and if you aren’t making money, then you are only losing money.  If this keeps up, then you get frustrated and that comes out through your marketing and your presentations basically perpetuating the cycle!  Have your money work for you! 

So I like passive programs because I constantly have the thought that regardless of if you join me or not, that I will still earn.  Having that confidence and that posture will bring more people into your business. 

I think of it as not being emotionally or addicted to the outcome.  When you are emotional about something, whether you try to hide it or not, it just doesn’t seem to work.  You come across as desperate or broke and people can sense that.

I have looked by at my own blog posts and can see exactly why people aren’t joining me.  It is STILL a work in progress and the best was to counter act it is to make money first.  How can I make money first?  You make money first through a passive, no recruiting or sponsoring type program. 

You get some success with that and that successful feeling will attract more people to you and make you more money in the process!

I hope this helps and for a perfect passive program to use click here!

-Robert Fraser-

P.S.  I’m making money with or without you, but would rather it be with!!

Profit Clicking Premium System works!!

Profit Clicking Premium System works!!                           

All is explained in the video below!!

If you aren't a member in Profit Clicking click here to join!!  This is easy money to be made by all!

-Robert Fraser-